Enjoying Doing Research: The #1 Entertaining Way to Gain Knowledge in 2024

Man Researching the Internet

Research Enjoyment

In this blog, I will be talking about the #1 way to gain knowledge. Enjoying researching is the easiest way to expand general knowledge in several different fields. Let’s understand this through a simple example. Let’s say there is a student who is passionate about studying and growing in the academic field. There is another student in the same class who finds no interest in studying. The student who likes to study will perform better in academics than the student who finds no enthusiasm in doing so. Similarly, when people enjoy researching, they will do well with it too.

Before I even begin properly, I want you to know that researching isn’t just discovering the history behind the atomic theory or gravity’s discovery. Researching could be for anything, and it can be fun to do so. For example, some people like to watch crime documentaries because they are interesting to them. They are researching past crimes, but they aren’t doing it because it’s mandatory or anything. They are simply doing it because they find mystery very intriguing.

As someone who likes to research during my free time, I have made it my goal to inspire others to develop research habits that can immensely help them in web-related fields.

The Common Reason for Researching During Free Time

I bet we’ve all been in a situation where we were bored and didn’t have anything to do. We would start doing things that aren’t enjoyable to most people. Such as reading a book, and completing schoolwork. Amid the great boredom, any task (that’s usually boring) becomes enjoyable because we would have nothing better to do. It’s already obvious by now that the most common reason for enjoying researching is curiosity. When a person is extremely bored, curiosity satiates the boredom. When people are curious, they are always wondering about why things are the way they are, and they naturally start looking for answers.

If you are a curious person, you’d do great in the web field. My web design/development teacher always says, “I am not better at technology than you, I am just better at Google.” This proves that through his research abilities, he became skilled with the web. This doesn’t apply to only one person… it applies to all. You too, can improve in any field, especially the web field, through research.

One thing about me is that I’m fascinated by the fact that you can know something you didn’t know before through research. Just a few informational books and a few credible sources on the internet can give you knowledge about things you would have never thought existed. 

Unfolding Mysteries

Similar to what was discussed earlier, researching can give you knowledge about things you couldn’t even think about existing. There are so many forms of hidden knowledge out there. Some of which we can’t even imagine. The process of researching is a method of unfolding hidden knowledge. Hidden knowledge doesn’t mean it is hidden from everyone. It just means that until you don’t know something, it is a mystery to you. This concept of unfolding “mysteries” can apply to anything you learn. Right now, I will be focusing on the internet.

The internet is constantly growing, progressing, and updating. There is so much knowledge to gain; meaning, there is so much mystery out there. If you enjoy researching, you can uncover many of these mysteries. This will help you become a better web designer/developer by discovering new and unique ideas. I have already mentioned the example of my web teacher mastering his internet skills through research. Following his example, we too, can improve our web skills.

Expressing and Enhancing Creativity

Let’s understand how people enhance their creativity, as well as express it. For example, let’s say a man doesn’t have good persuasion skills, so he practices to learn and improve. He goes to people who have mastered persuasion skills and finds information on the internet and books. This will ENHANCE his persuasion skills (a creative quality). However, just having the skill isn’t enough. The man needs to express the new quality he gained. To EXPRESS his quality, he will need to start giving speeches or working with people in social organizations. In these settings, he will use his persuasion to convince others about the topics he talks about.

In the web field, just through research, you can become creative. People post and exhibit their unique ideas on the internet. Make good use of the creative knowledge to become creative. Once you achieve the ability to effectively find credible details, you will be considered creative. To express your creativity, you can apply the new information you gained to real-world scenarios.


It all starts with curiosity. If you’re not curious, you won’t enjoy researching. It’s like the student who forces himself to study. The work will still be done, but if there is no enjoyment, then the results won’t be very satisfactory. Plus, the journey of doing the work won’t be fun. Why do something that you don’t enjoy when you can develop the desire to happily do the task?

Student Who Likes to StudyStudent Who Doesn’t Like to Study

– He has better grades because he enjoyed the process.

– He likes the process, so he’ll continue to improve in academics.

– His grades aren’t as pleasing as expected.

– He also did not enjoy the process, so he’ll likely quit studying.
Previously Discussed Example

The internet is filled with so much knowledge that is not known to us. Learning something that you didn’t know before is like unfolding a mystery. This concept makes research interesting. During and after research, you can express and enhance your creativity. 

In summary, researching can be fun if you look at it from the right perspective. Once you begin to enjoy researching, you will gain knowledge as entertainment. Gaining knowledge as a hobby enhances your general knowledge very easily. This can be helpful, especially for web designers/developers. Researching to find credible information and not being bored is a powerful quality to possess.

If there is one I want you to take from this blog, that would be the message that researching doesn’t have to be boring. It can be used in your favor if you develop an interest in researching.                                    


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